Animated GIFs: Troubleshooting and Optimization
Playing Animated GIFs in PreviewProperties
To play an animated GIF in the PreviewProperties window:
- Select the animated GIF file.
- On the View menu, click PreviewProperties.
If the GIF still does not play, try re-saving the file.
Troubleshooting Animated GIFs in PowerPoint
If an animated GIF does not move in a PowerPoint presentation:
- Open the PowerPoint presentation.
- Click on the SlideShow tab.
- In the Set Up group, click Animate.
- Select the animated GIF and click Start.
Exporting GIFs from Adobe Animate
If you have encountered issues exporting GIFs from Adobe Animate, try the following:
- Ensure that the GIF is saved with the correct settings (e.g., loop count, frame rate).
- Restart Adobe Animate and try exporting the GIF again.
- Update Adobe Animate to the latest version.
- Contact Adobe Support for further assistance.